Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Leaving California

We will be flying to Honduras on Saturday, July 30th. After 14 hours of airports and planes, we will stay the night in San Pedro Sula, Honduras and will be picked up by our school on Monday, August 1st.
Once we arrive in Siguatepeque we plan to use our time to settle in to our new town, get accustomed to their way of life, and spend some time preparing lesson plans before school starts. We will be attending an orientation beginning August 10th and school will begin August 22nd.

We are very excited for our move and this new stage of our lives. We are still not sure what to expect culturally or for our living conditions, but if Honduras is anything like the other Central American countries we have visited, I am sure we will love it.

Keep us in your prayers.


  1. It was sooooo great to see you last night! We will miss you both so much, but we know this is going to be an amazing experience. We look forward to seeing you at our wedding!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ash & Gary

  2. How are you guys doing in Honduras??? We love you and really enjoyed spending time with you.
