Monday, July 4, 2011

Our transition time in SLO - July

Only 4 weeks until we leave For Honduras.
We have successfully moved out of LA and are now living in the San Luis Obispo (SLO) area and spending some quality time with friends and family up here as we finalize all of the logistics for our move.

We just received our class assignments for next year. Karen will be teaching Secondary Science for grades 7-9 and English for grades 10, 11; Darrell will be teaching Elementary Science for grades 2,4,6 and will assist the full time teacher in teaching Science for grades 1,3,5 as well as teach Philosophy for grade 11. We are both excited about our placements and are greatly looking forward to working in Siguatepeque.

If you feel inclined to pray for us as we prepare, here are our big prayer requests:
  • That God Enable us: to be caring and talented Science Teachers (Darrell has never taught in a classroom before and Karen has never taught Science before)
  • That God Encourages us: as we transition into a new culture and learn a new language that we have been warned may be frustrating at times
  • That God Grows us: both in our individual walks with Him and in our Marriage
  • That God Uses us: both in our classrooms, and in ways that we do not anticipate

Karen moving into our new "home" for July

Jeniene, Darrell, & Karen hiking Bishops Peak in SLO


  1. Praying for you as you start to learn the language soon!

  2. Somehow I knew you two would not be staying in the country for long! It seemed so obvious with the gifts and passions God gave you two :)

    May all you do be done unto Him in loving obedience. May He grow you closer to Him and each other through blessings and trials!

  3. Whoo, getting to be about that time! I'm excited for you two! Darrell, you're gonna be awesome in the classroom. From firsthand experience, you're a natural at this teaching thing.

    So did you end up renting a big shipping container? xP
