Thursday, September 15, 2011

Independence Parade

Today we marched in a parade downtown Siguatepeque to celebrate Honduras' Independence Day. We arrived downtown at 7am for the parade which was scheduled to start at 7:30. The parade did not start until 9am and we were done marching by 9:30. A lot of waiting for a little bit of marching. We did get to be on local television, though, as we marched through the downtown square with our students.
Pretty cool, not many people can say they have been on Honduras television!

Here are some pictures of each of the grades in our High School.

Here is our School Sign, the lovely grade nine ladies holding them and a few of our flag team.

Getting ready to march!

Grade 7

Grade seven dressed in traditional Honduras clothing and represented some of the 18 departments of Honduras.

Grade 8

Grade eight represented peace. Each student carried a white balloon throughout the parade, and when we arrived at the main square they released their balloons to fly away.

Grade 9 & 11

Grades nine and eleven paired together to represent a value for each couple. The values were written on the ladies' sashes. And of course the master teachers for their grades, Mr. Darrell and Miss Robin.

Grade 10

You can't miss grade ten in their bright green shirts, or their master teachers Mrs. Karen and Profe Marisol.

"take care of our environment to maintain its natural beauty"

All of these animals are native to Honduras and are endangered.

Some other schools and their floats.


  1. You all have had a really busy week! The parade looks like a lot of fun- hoped you taped being on tv! :)

  2. I noticed a conifer tree on the school sign. Are there even any conifers in Honduras? ;)

  3. Very interesting show, must have been very pleasant
