Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Getting ready for the move, May 2011

Yes we are moving to Siguatepeque, Honduras!
You can check out the school and what they are all about at their website: http://www.ceehonduras.org/

We are very excited for our upcoming move. If you want to pray for us, please pray for the logistics of our move, and that we are able to give our full energy to our current jobs until we move.


  1. We are absolutely praying for you and love you both to pieces! We are so excited for your new adventure and ministry and can't wait to see the new ways you are stretched and grown for God!

  2. Hey you two,

    I'm so excited for your new adventure. I admire the willing servants that you both are. Gary and I love you and our hearts are with you in support. We look forward to seeing you this summer!

