Monday, June 25, 2012

Good Bye Honduras

We are done with our year of teaching here in Honduras, and at times it still seems surreal. We are currently packing up our apartment and trying to fit everything into four 50lb bags, saying good bye to all the friends we made here, and doing all of our ‘last time’ activities in Siguatepeque (ex. last time walking down town, last time eating at this restaurant, last time going to this church, etc.).

Monday we are going to Tela, a beach on the Caribbean, with some of the other teachers at our school. We will spend two days with our coworkers there, celebrating the end of our year together. Then after we say good bye to them we will stay another day just the two of us to celebrate our 3yr wedding anniversary before flying to LAX and heading up to the San Luis Obispo area.

We are excited to head back to California to see our family and friends there again, but are at the same time sad to be leaving the life we have built here and all of the friends we have made. Everyone here wants us to return and visit after we have our baby, and we are hoping to be able to do that as well. Lord willing, Darrell will be able to get a job and have vacation time so we can make that trip.

Thank you for following our blog this year, and for all of your prayers and support. We will write another update once we are back in California with our plans for the summer and pictures.

Dios le bendiga ustedes y su familia.