Tuesday, February 21, 2012

What a Wonderful Weekend!

Friday was our staff retreat. We went to a lovely hotel in Comayagua (about an hour from Siguatepeque) with a pool! We had a time for reflection and devotion in the morning, a delicious lunch, and time to hang out with our other staff and swim in the pool that afternoon. Darrell started a game of phase 10 with some of the Spanish teachers (a huge hit among Hondurans), and had a great time laughing about the game with them. One of Karen's students, Carlos, came along with his father (the speaker for the retreat) and had a great time trying to dunk her in the pool. Karen enjoyed his youthful energy and had a lot of good laughs about his creative attempts st dunking her. Darrell had to come to her rescue in the end, and that is all Carlos has been talking about at school this week.

The reflection time was wonderful. God was able to show us how He is working on our personal relationships with Him, and how He desires to make us more like Him. It was nice spending that time with our coworkers as well.

Saturday we had the opportunity to help out one of the English teacher's husband, Travis, pick a crop of beans he was growing at a local seminary. It was hard but strangely relaxing work. At the end of picking 2-3 rows of beans, we went home to rest.

Our reflection from that experience was realizing how poor this country is. We spent almost 2 hours in the field picking beans, and at the end of all our hard work, we had barely enough beans to sell for about 50 Lempiras ($2.50) at the market. It was humbling to think that for some people, that is how they make their living.

Sunday we were invited to a Spanish coworker's house for Dinner. Margoth and her husband, Javier, were wonderful hosts. Another coworker, Fanny, and her husband, Jose, also joined us. It was refreshing for us to spend some time with other married couples.
After dinner they asked us to teach them to country dance, so we spent the next two hours explaining (in Spanish!) and practicing the electric slide and the couple's barn dance. Javier and Margoth's daughter and niece were having a ball watching their parents/aunt and uncle dance and taking pictures. All in all it was a fantastically wonderful night. Fanny and Margoth had such a great time that they want to perform a line dance with Karen for the upcoming school talent show!