Check out some pictures of Karen making homemade tortillas, refried beans, and fried plantains to make baleadas with our neighbors, Dixie, Reina, Zeida, and Nancy.
homemade refried beans
Platano Fritos - Karen's Favorite!
Making Tortillas
The finished product - to make a baleada, you simply take a tortilla, spread some refried beans, mantequilla, and cheese inside with your favorite toppings, in our case avacado and plantanos!
Everyone enjoying their baleadas.
Check out some pictures of Karen and her coworkers learning how to make papusas with our friend Becky Vega and her family.
First you have to chop up all the ingredients for the filling, toppings and sauce.
Then you have to grind your fillings so they become soft (kind of like ground beef)
When all the prep is done, you put your fillings inside the papusa dough, roll it into a ball, flatten the ball so it looks like a tortilla, then cook it like a pancake.
Karen got to be in charge of the grill.
The finished product - Papusas! mmmm, so delicious!